Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Claw machine inc.(hereafter, "our company" ) shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, regarding with users' information including personal ones in the service provided by our company(hereafter, "this service").
We shall establish privacy policy (hereafter, "this policy") as follows.

1. Users' Information We Collet and How We Collect
In this policy, "users' information" shall mean the information collected by our company based on this policy―the information associated with users' identification, access history on internet services, and the ones created or stored related to users or users' terminal on their smartphone, PC, and so on. Users' information we shall collect in this service shall be as follows depending on the way we collect.
1-1. Information to be provided by users―to use this service, the information we require users to provide shall be as follows:
e-mail address
other information users provide on the input form required by our company
1-2. Information we collect when users use this service―our company may collect the information about the access to this service and the ones related to the way users use this service. They shall include the following information:
terminal information
log information
Cookie and anonymous ID
location information

2. Purposes of Use
2-1. Users' Information shall be used to offer this service as determined in 2-2, or may be used for other purposes as in 2-3.
2-2. The specific using purposes of users' information related to the use of this service shall be as follows:
1. to offer, to maintain, to protect, and to improve this service such as accepting registration, contact from registered operators about this service, etc.
2. to deal with explaining, to handle inquiries, etc. about this service
3. to deal with violations against our company’s Terms, policies, etc. (hereafter, "Terms etc.") about this service
4. to notice the modification of terms and other species about this service
5. for any other purposes of use related to the purposes stated above

2-3. The using purposes other than 2-2 shall be as follows:
Purposes of Use
1. relating to our company’s services, to create the statistical data processed in a format that prevents individual identification
terminal information
log information
Cookie and anonymous ID
location information
2. to distribute or to display the advertisement of our company or third party
terminal information
log information
Cookie and anonymous ID
location information
3. to use for other marketing
e-mail address
other information users provide on the input form required by our company

3. How to Notify, Accounce, and Obtain the Consent
How to Request the Suspension of Use
3-1. For the following users' information, we shall obtain users' consent before collecting them.
terminal information
log information
3-2. By the specified setting of this service, users may request the suspension of using all or part of their information. In this case, we shall immediately stop the usage as determined by our company. In addition, for some items of users' information, because their collection or usage shall be the assumption for this service, we shall stop the collection and usage only in the case they withdrew from this service by the way we specified.

4. Providing Information to Third Parties
Among users' information, we shall not provide personal information to third parties without users' prior agreement except for the cases that Personal Information Protection Law or other laws accept to disclose the information.
However, this shall not apply for the following cases.
4-1. in the case that providing them to participating operators to offer this service
4-2. in the case that we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary for the accomplishment of purposes of use
4-3. in the case that personal information is transferred to the successor following the succession of a business due to a merger or other reasons
4-4. in the case that a national instotution, a public organization or any persons entrusted by them is obligated to cooperate with the execution of the affairs defined by laws, and where there is a possibility that impede such execution by obtaining users’ consent
4-5. in other cases that admitted by Personal Information Protection Law and other laws

5. Correction and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
5-1. In the case that users shall request our company (1) to correct their personal information by the reason of the information not being correct in accordance with Personal Information Protection Law, and (2) to stop the usage of their personal information, in accordance with Personal Information Protection Law, by the reason of the the information being handled so as to exceed the range for the previously published purposes of use, or by the reason of the information having been obtained by dishonest means such as misrepresentation, the necessary investigation shall be carried out without delay after we shall be able to conform that the request is from himself/herself. Based on the result, the correction and suspension of use of the personal information shall be carried out, and this shall be notified to the users.
In addition, if a decision not to correct and stop the usage has been made based on the rational reason, this shall be notified to users.
5-2. In the case that users shall request our company to delete their personal information, deletion of their personal information shall be carried out after we are able to conform that the request is from himself/herself, and this shall be notified to the users only when we shall determine that we need to respond to their requirement.
5-3.The two provisions above shall not apply when defined in Personal Information Protection Law or other laws that our company does not have the obligations of the correction, suspension of use, etc.

6. Application Range of this Privacy Policy
The application range of this privacy policy shall be within this website. Our company shall not be responsible for the privacy protection of other websites which are created the link on our website. Please check each site's privacy policy.

7. Retention Period of Privacy Policy
We shall specify the retention period of personal information according to the purpose of use, and we shall delete them after the accomplishment of the using purposes and the expiration of the retention period.

8. Revision of Privacy Policy
Our company shall appropriately review the operating condition about handling of users’ information, and shall continuously try to improve them, if necessary.
Please check the revision regularly.

9. Contact
If you have any opinions, questions, complaints, or inquiries related to the handling of users' information, please contact us at the following.
991 KayadaChou, Yachiyo-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan
Claw machine inc. (contact our window office)
Last Revised: September 2, 2024